Ways to perform puja or prayer

The "best" way to perform a puja can vary depending on personal beliefs, family traditions, and the specific deity being worshipped. However, here is a general outline of steps to perform a puja, which can serve as a starting point:

1. Prepare the puja area: Designate a clean, dedicated space for the puja. You can use a small table or cloth to create an altar. Place images or statues of the deity and other relevant symbols or items, such as incense, candles, or a bell.

2. Purify the space and yourself: Light the incense and candles to purify the area. You can also consider taking a bath or washing your hands and feet before starting the puja to purify yourself.

3. Invoke the deity: Begin by reciting mantras, prayers, or hymns to invite the presence of the deity into your puja space.

4. Offerings: Place the offerings (such as fruits, flowers, sweets, or rice) before the deity. You can also light incense or an oil lamp at this time.

5. Prayers and meditation: With a focused and clear mind, recite prayers, mantras, or hymns. You can also meditate on or reflect on the deity's qualities and virtues, creating a deeper connection.

6. Aarti (optional): Perform the aarti, a ritual in which a lit lamp circles the deity and then your head, symbolizing the removal of negativity and the infusion of positivity and light.

7. Conclude the puja: Recite a closing prayer, express gratitude to the deity, and formally dismiss the deity from the puja space.

8. Personal Resolutions: Take a moment to reflect on your life and actions and make a mental note or a verbal resolution, intending to lead a more virtuous life.

9. Offerings distribution: Distribute the prasadam (blessed offerings) to family members or other participants as a symbol of sharing the deity's blessings.

10. Clean up: Clean and organize the puja area, disposing of any leftover offerings with respect.

Following these steps and adapting them to your practice and beliefs will help you create a meaningful and respectful puja experience. It is important to keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and the most essential element is connecting with the divine and expressing your devotion.

Rahul Kumar Singh

Astrologer, Psychic Reader & Spiritual Guide


Goddess of a family - Kuldev


Significance of Prayers or Pujas