Astrology: A Fascinating World from a Layman's Perspective

Have you ever wondered why some people are so drawn to astrology? Or maybe you've glanced at your horoscope out of curiosity? Astrology, the study of the positions and movements of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs, has captivated minds for centuries. In this article, I will delve into the fascinating realm of astrology from a layman's point of view, leaving any scepticism or judgment at the door.

Understanding Astrology

At its core, astrology utilizes the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and planets, to offer insights into our lives. Astrologers divide the sky into twelve equal parts called houses, each one representing a different aspect of human experience. Your astrological chart or natal chart, which is unique to you, reveals the positions of these celestial bodies when you were born.

Astrology is not a science

Before we proceed further, I feel it's important to clarify that astrology is not a science. It is a belief system, a form of divination, that many people utilize to explore aspects of themselves and the world around them. Therefore, a truly open-minded approach involves granting it the same credibility we would afford any other belief system.

A Glimpse into the World of Astrology - Let's take a brief tour through some popular aspects of astrology.

Sun Signs

Often the entry point for most people, sun signs are based on the position of the sun at the time of birth. They symbolize one's core identity and basic nature. For instance, as an Aries, my sun sign corresponds with energy, courage, and leadership qualities.

Moon Signs

The moon sign, which changes approximately every two days, is a fundamental component of astrology. It represents our emotional nature and instincts. My moon sign, in Cancer, highlights my empathetic and nurturing side.

Compatibility and Synastry

Astrology can also be used to examine interpersonal relationships. By comparing two or more natal charts, an astrologer can identify commonalities and friction points, helping clients better understand their partnerships.

Transits and Progressions

Astrologers monitor planetary positions over time to provide insights into personal growth, critical life events, and changes. These techniques can build a story around an individual's life journey, from defining moments to ongoing lessons.

Rahul Kumar Singh

Astrologer, Psychic Reader & Spiritual Guide


Astrology and Personal Growth from a symbolic standpoint


Astrology can provide valuable insights for controlling your mind